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Shamanic Communication FOUNDATIONS  series is designed to enhance your ability to connect with your spirit guides and spirit animals, and will teach you how to utilise divination tools such as the pendulum. You will receive detailed instruction and practical experience, enabling you to acquire a new spirit team, or deepen communication with an existing one, to gain practical and existential answers to real world questions.

Business Constellations Workshop addresses your ability to wield personal power and authority to achieve success. Target personal blocks, self sabotage, life purpose and one's sense of worth.

Benefit from a targeted focus on all or some of the elements of your business, to understand the energetics of how they all relate to your business's purpose, intention, structure, customer base, marketing efforts or founding energy.

Ancestral Cacao Ceremony helps you put right those things that are not right in your ancestry.  We will use shamanic ceremony and rituals, as well as our spirit teams to assist in promoting your dead relatives to their rightful positions in the family.

These ceremonies assist you to restore your connection to the flow of love, life-force and power from your ancestors. This is NOT a Family Constellation workshop. All participants work on their OWN Families. You will need to have done Spirit Journeys and either Spirit Animal or Spirit Allies, before attending this Workshop.

In-Person QiGong is BACK!

The Emotional Mastery 8 Week Qi Gong Series will be in 2 locations: Sundays: 1pm at Yoga Tree, 5 Horne Street Elsternwick, 3185 - Starting 28th July 2024. Tuesdays: 6:15pm at Moss Studios, 101 Evans Street Brunswick VIC 3056 - Starting 30th July.

If you are seeking greater harmony and peace, this series supports you in transforming your relationship and understanding of your emotions. There are recorded workshop videos and with exercises and blogs to assist your transformation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the transformative power of QiGong in a Medicine Wheel. Enrol now and start your journey towards holistic emotional well-being.

Spirit animals are considered powerful guides, protectors, and companions in various spiritual traditions. They offer wisdom, strength, and insight, reflecting qualities we need or already possess. Participants will learn about the role of spirit animals in personal growth and healing, and how these connections can influence their lives. Whether you are seeking guidance for personal issues, need strength during challenging times, or wish to deepen your spiritual practice, connecting with spirit animals can be a transformative experience.

This transformative program is your gateway to mastering self-awareness, empowerment, and reality creation.

Embark on a journey of evolution, culminating in a profound understanding of your personal power and how to wield it with wisdom and grace.

Expect to emerge with a newfound sense of purpose and the tools to navigate your life's journey with more cohesion, grounding, and clarity.

Spirit Allies provides a unique opportunity to bridge the spiritual and mundane aspects of your life. Participate with the Wheel of Transformation to assess how you are showing up in your life, gain practical guidance on living in harmony with your highest good. Experience guided journeys to communicate with your spirit allies and to gain insights relevant to your life’s challenges and opportunities. Spirit Allies provide guidance, protection, and support.  You will learn to connect and communicate to receive wisdom and insight crucial for your growth and transformation.

Business Constellations Workshop addresses your ability to wield personal power and authority to achieve success. Target personal blocks, self sabotage, life purpose and one's sense of worth.

Benefit from a targeted focus on all or some of the elements of your business, to understand the energetics of how they all relate to your business's purpose, intention, structure, customer base, marketing efforts or founding energy.

Ancestral Cacao Ceremony helps you put right those things that are not right in your ancestry.  We will use shamanic ceremony and rituals, as well as our spirit teams to assist in promoting your dead relatives to their rightful positions in the family.

These ceremonies assist you to restore your connection to the flow of love, life-force and power from your ancestors. This is NOT a Family Constellation workshop. All participants work on their OWN Families. You will need to have done Spirit Journeys and either Spirit Animal or Spirit Allies, before attending this Workshop.

Spirit Divination is designed to teach the art of divining with a pendulum in a manner that lets participants deepen their understanding of the subtle energies that influence us. This is an age-old method used for gaining clarity, accessing subconscious knowledge, and making informed decisions.

Learn how to clear negative emotions using a pendulum and a magnet - genuinely one of the most powerful techniques I have ever learnt! This is a highly experiential workshop, providing many opportunities to heal your own chakras and endocrine system.

This workshop weaves an immersive experience to deepen your connection with the natural elements and their magickal counterparts, integrating these powerful forces into your spiritual practice for magickal growth and empowerment.

The workshop blends learning and experiential opportunities to assist you to embody the power and higher frequencies offered in new spiritual practices.

Elemental Magick will upscale your spiritual practice and provide new tools and skills to your metaphysical repertoire.

Ancestral Cacao Ceremony helps you put right those things that are not right in your ancestry.  We will use shamanic ceremony and rituals, as well as our spirit teams to assist in promoting your dead relatives to their rightful positions in the family.

These ceremonies assist you to restore your connection to the flow of love, life-force and power from your ancestors. This is NOT a Family Constellation workshop. All participants work on their OWN Families. You will need to have done Spirit Journeys and either Spirit Animal or Spirit Allies, before attending this Workshop.

Ancestral Cacao Ceremony helps you put right those things that are not right in your ancestry.  We will use shamanic ceremony and rituals, as well as our spirit teams to assist in promoting your dead relatives to their rightful positions in the family.

These ceremonies assist you to restore your connection to the flow of love, life-force and power from your ancestors. This is NOT a Family Constellation workshop. All participants work on their OWN Families. You will need to have done Spirit Journeys and either Spirit Animal or Spirit Allies, before attending this Workshop.

Space Cleanser levels up your Spirit Weaver foundational knowledge so you can focus your team on environmental healing to create a positive impact on the spaces around you and your clients.

The land can be imprinted with human activities, or other overwhelming human tragedies. Toxic Qi, resonates with the frequency of the Shadow realms.

This energy is also in the landscape. Clutter, a lack of order, as well as a lot of repressed emotions and other negative energy that has been experienced inside the walls, can be stored in the house, that's why it is so important to have a space clearing session at least once a year.

Business Constellations Workshop addresses your ability to wield personal power and authority to achieve success. Target personal blocks, self sabotage, life purpose and one's sense of worth.

Benefit from a targeted focus on all or some of the elements of your business, to understand the energetics of how they all relate to your business's purpose, intention, structure, customer base, marketing efforts or founding energy.

The Spirit Weaver Practitioner workshop offers many unique rituals, and much knowledge about the practice of being a Shamanic Practitioner.

You will learn Celtic protection and power techniques, and new self cleansing and essential clearing rituals.  You will also be taught to determine the root cause of psychic disturbances in others. Plus, you will learn how to rid your clients of metaphysical and spiritual afflictions and ailments, and provide appropriate assistance, healing, reconciliation and witnessing, to restore your client's vitality, power and energy.