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Womb & Hara Restoration & Relationship detox

In it's role as a portal of life and creation, the womb embodies the power of transformation, creation and manifestation. It is the key to creative and emotional expression.

Men also have energetic wombs, called 'hara'. Located a few inches below the navel, the hara corresponds with the lower dantian, an area vital in many energetic and martial arts systems, including Qigong and Tai Chi.

This centre is often referred to as the “sea of Qi” or “elixir field” and is responsible for storing vital life force energy (Jing). Just as the womb in women holds creative and life-giving energy, the hara is the foundation for physical strength, stamina, and creative potential in men.

Both the hara and the womb share the responsibility of holding and manifesting life energy, though expressed differently in each gender.

Psychosomatic medicine recognises that the body holds onto unprocessed emotions, which can manifest as physical ailments or blocks in energy. The womb and hara are particularly sensitive to these imprints, and serve as a repository for emotional experiences and trauma.

In tantric and shamanic traditions, it is believed that every sexual encounter results in an exchange of not only bodily fluids but also soul fragments, emotions, and karma. Without conscious cleansing and intentional detachment, these imprints continue to impact our current energetic state and future relationships.

A Man's Energetic Centre

The lower Dan tian functions as a power source for the body's energetic system and a storehouse for our Jing. Similarly to the womb’s capacity for creation, the hara holds the potential for energetic growth, vitality, and connection to our purpose.

When the hara is balanced and strong, it supports clear thinking, emotional stability, and the ability to manifest our desires into reality. Stagnation in the hara can occur due to emotional stress, overthinking, lack of physical activity, or unprocessed trauma, leading to blockages in energy flow.

This stagnation might manifest as fatigue, lack of creativity, or a feeling of being "stuck" in life. The unbalanced energy can also cause disruptions in digestion, emotions, and physical vitality, similarly to how an energetically blocked womb can impede a woman's creative flow.

Cleansing the hara helps direct energy back to the lower abdomen, clearing blockages, and encouraging smooth flow through the body's meridians. By cultivating a relationship with the lower Dan tian, men can restore their vitality and emotional balance, much like how women benefit from womb-cleansing practices.

Maintaining a clear and energised hara, removing past relationships chords and debris, ancestral issues and life experiences, not only supports physical health but also aids in spiritual growth, emotional balance, and the ability to manifest our desires.

For men, grounding their energy in the hara helps them stay rooted, emotionally balanced, and capable of clear, decisive actions.

Benefits of Womb & Hara Cleansing

This offering is much more than a womb or hara cleanse, it also addresses the entire body and psyche in their roles as vessels for relationship and physical and spiritual connection. The womb and hara have a special focus as the centre of creation, as they hold our physical power and store emotional and energetic imprints from past experiences, relationships, and even ancestral trauma. These energies will also be present around the rest of the body.

Energetic womb / hara cleansing provides the opportunity for a full body relationship detox. All aspects of your energy involved in relationship and physical connection will be addressed and purified.  This offering provides outcomes and benefits for emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.

This level of clearing and healing is a specialist service in addition to a thorough shamanic cleanse.  It can be selected as a stand alone offering up to 4 months after a regular cleanse, or selected as an add on to an normal cleanse.  It offers profound personal transformation for both men and women:

  • Emotional Release and Healing: all of the areas that act as a repository for unprocessed emotions, particularly trauma from past relationships, sexual experiences, miscarriages, abortions, or emotional abuse are addressed. Cleansing these areas helps release stored emotions such as grief, shame, guilt, fear, or sadness, allowing you to heal emotionally and move forward with greater clarity and peace.
  • Enhanced Creativity: clearing emotional and energetic blockages can open up your natural creative energy for artistic endeavours, professional growth, or personal projects. This cleanse can unlock inspiration and ideas, allowing you to connect more deeply to your creative potential.
  • Reclaiming Personal Power: reclaim your power from past relationships, ancestral imprints, or societal pressures. Remove energetic cords to previous partners and stand fully in sovereignty so you can make empowered choices about your body, relationships, and life.
  • Heal Sexual and Reproductive Trauma: heal the energy of sexual abuse, miscarriages, or stillbirths. Restore the balance of your reproductive system and release emotional pain stored in your sexual organs. This often leads to a greater sense of self-worth, freedom from past sexual shame, and healthier sexual relationships.
  • Ancestral Healing: imprints from generations of ancestors 'deposits' generations of emotional baggage in our energy system and organs which is passed on to future generations, if the cycle is not broken. This will be cleared so the next generation does not inherit the ancestral pain and limitation.
  • Improved Vitality and Energy Flow: Clearing stagnant energy and blockages in the womb, reproductive organs, and all over the body to experience improved energy flow throughout the body. This increased vitality can lead to better overall health, reduced fatigue, and a greater sense of balance and alignment with life.
  • Deeper Connection to the Divine Feminine and the Spirit: Womb cleansing reconnects you to the sacredness of your feminine energy and improves your relationship with your body. It deepens the connection to divine feminine wisdom, intuition, and cycles, encouraging you to embrace your feminine essence with love, respect, and honour. This is then balanced with the sacred masculine energy.
  • Reclaiming the body as Sacred: For many, societal and personal experiences have led to a disconnection from their bodies and wombs. Womb cleansing restores the womb as a sacred space, a place of nurturing, healing, and power. It allows you to create a new, positive relationship with your body and reproductive system.
  • Manifestation and Spiritual Growth: With a clear womb / hara space, you can better access your innate ability to manifest. The womb is a portal for creation of goals, dreams, and intentions. Cleansing the womb enhances your ability to manifest with clarity and intention. It also supports spiritual growth, providing access to deeper wisdom, insights, and connection to higher energies.
  • Alignment with Purpose: When the womb / hara is cleared of energetic and emotional debris, it often leads to a greater sense of purpose and direction in life. This is another aid in your quest to align with your true calling, professionally and personally.

Reclaiming Your Power and Vitality

The womb / hara carries the potential for creation as well as your life stories, your ancestors', and the generations that came before you. It carries, the imprints of past lovers, unhealed traumas, and ancestral energies. These are also present all over the body.

These blockages can manifest in our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives, limiting our capacity to create, nurture, and express our fullest selves. This Womb Cleanse is designed to help you release the past, reclaim your energy, and restore balance to your sacred centre:

  • Release Blockages and Trauma: Clear emotional, sexual, and ancestral wounds stored in the womb space, allowing for deep healing.
  • Reclaim Your Sovereignty: Remove the imprints of past lovers and energetic hooks that may be weighing you down, freeing you to create new relationships and experiences.
  • Restore Balance: Balance the energies of your womb, breasts, and reproductive system, bringing harmony to your physical and spiritual body.
  • Reconnect with Your Creative Power: By cleansing the womb, we open the pathways for manifestation, healing, and creation, helping you birth new possibilities into your life.

During a Womb / Hara cleanse, we identify and clear blockages, over/under energies, and attachments. This is an energetic reset that helps you step into your power, reclaim your creativity, and move forward in with heart mind and soul coherence.