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Spirit Weaver


Simoné is an authenticity and transformation facilitator, and offers support, guidance and healing to assist you to remember the truth of who you are.
Through her raw honesty, passion, and conscious listening skills, Simoné shares pragmatic tools to empower you to create  your own reality, and she uses energy healing and spirit weaving to connect you to your joy.
Simoné aims to help increase your awareness of all the available possibilities you have open to you.


Katie takes her clients on a transformational journey of soul retrieval, soul activation and a journey into their heart align you, once again, with your cycles, the seasons and a deep connection with yourself and the world around you.  Come home to you and ignite the inner fire that is your divine birthright.
Katie is a Kinesiologist, Celtic Shamanic practitioner, Ceremonialist, Mother and lover of nature.  She is passionate about helping people create change in their world so that they are once again connected to their heart and body for conscious living.


Sandra is an intuitive healer and space holder and loves witnessing and holding space for people to expand and express their soul truth and knowing.
Sandra works as a spirit weaver, psychic, hypnotherapist, and ceremonialist to effect healing and positive change in an authentic, trusted and held space.
Sandra's passion to help others realise they have the power and the ability to heal themselves, has birthed her business: la Papessa.


Lessly is also a Psychic Medium Reader and a Ceremonialist specialising in Women’s Readings, Healing Sessions, Women’s Circles and Retreats, and Women’s Sacred Ceremonies like Baby Callings and Blessings, Family Blessings and special occasions.
Lessly holds empowered and energetically clean sessions igniting your true north in a grounded and supportive heart centred space.



Helen is a dedicated Shamanic Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and Energy Healer, committed to empowering you to embrace transformative experiences and embark on a healing journey towards long lasting wellbeing and personal evolution.
She emphasises the spiritual, emotional, and energetic aspects of wellbeing and delves deep into the root causes obstructing your personal growth.
Helen extends a supportive hand to individuals seeking positive change, harnessing her expertise, intuition and compassion.
Amy is a certified Sound Healer, Stone Medicine Woman, Plant Ceremonialist & Spirit Weaver. She loves to study and share her wisdom with others, and has a classical music and performing arts background.
Amy works closely with ritual and Land, and is an advocate for coming into conscious living with Earth, Nature, Sacred Waters and our place amongst earth's communities and ecosystems.
Amy offers clearing and healing services and regularly runs programs and ceremonies.


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Our certified Spirit Weavers are listed here only after they have been trained by me, mentored, assessed, and witnessed in session, to ensure they meet our rigorous lineage standards.

Certification lasts 2 years, and must be renewed with an assessment to ensure standards have been maintained.

They are trained to:

  • Hold you in sacred circle and ritual
  • Bring you back home to yourself
  • Reclaim lost Soul fragments
  • Remove ghosts, entities and attachments from your energy field
  • Cross over dead spirits
  • Remove curses, spells and hexes
  • Stop psychic attacks and heal the damage they cause
  • Increase your power & energy
  • Remove the causes of bad luck
  • Heal from previously unyielding conditions
  • Increase your vitality, which helps deal with trauma, upgrade your being and change limiting beliefs
  • Removing meddling entities that cause disharmony
  • Experience ceremony and ritual which helps connect more to yourself, your spirit teams and your ancestors
  • Feel more grounded & energetically clean
  • Feel more present & connected
  • Feel much more embodied, present, graceful, alert and aware
  • Plus so much more ...


Experience the power of the graduates of this lineage and understand what it means to work appropriately and honourably with ancestors, devas, the angelic realm, mythical beings, power animals, elemental beings, grids, timelines, energies, akashic records, dimensions and frequencies, assisting you one on one.